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Szilágyi Miklós - - @preisocrates (Skype)


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About the digital transformation... (English!)

isocrates_coaching 2019.01.25. 14:19


Digital transformation - Infosys report… Digitalisation is a big part of the change of paradigmof our life and of our work. For this 20+ page brand new report (see link below) at least 1000 company leaders (directors, CXOs -meaning Chief Experience Officer and the like) were asked & consulted from companies in various industries with revenues over 1 billion dollars... i.e. these companies are rather big fishes where there are attention, money, efforts to fund dynamic development in any areas you can name...

And what does this report show like barriers to further development for the year 2019? See the diagram on page 10. We could argue on the classification of some items but on my map at least 50% of the barriers are bound in some ways to soft skill insufficiencies. And exactly therefore I found in a way inadequate the scope of the proposed solutions (page 23). 

In my view soft skill insufficiencies need more general type of support like coaching, team-coaching, advanced on-the-job skill trainings, e-learning type of follow-ups within the framework of the more specific digitalisation focused frameworks like agile and devops et alii...

Why am I saying that? For, in the paper, the advantages of these agile, devops etc.  frameworks are - rightly - referred to like not by-passable for really effective digitalisation efforts. Only, even on the page 14 about these advantages, it is mentioned that 

“While our survey shows that many companies are confident — perhaps overconfident — in their ability to master rapid experimentation, the reality is that agile and DevOps techniques are hard to master. Even companies that purport to have flexible, agile teams may still rely on the same old structured, rigid waterfall development methods inside those teams.” 

And - do not forget - we are speaking here about large companies... what could be the situation in smaller, less resourceful companies?

That means that the application of these frameworks needs well thought through and well matched general mindset changes. This goes deeper than applying the said frameworks even if in the application manuals it is always emphasized the necessary general mindset transformation. What is taken granted in the preambule of the application manuals of these frameworks needs also a somewhat separately, more in general sense considered  - but of course in an integrated way applied - handling... 

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